Multiframe CONNECT Edition V23 Update 5

Multiframe CONNECT Edition V23 Update 5 | 836.8 mb

The MAXSURF development team is pleased to announce the release of Multiframe CONNECT Edition V23 Update 5 ( This solution helps structural experts check the structure of their vessel to comply with class requirements and optimise it for strength and weight. It can be used for deck grillage, frame, superstructure and mast strength calculations.

MAXSURF and Multiframe CONNECT Edition V23.05.00 Readme – Date: 28 April 2022
New features in this release include:
– Nesting (bin packing) of structural parts in Modeler
– Quadrilateral elements in meshes in Modeler
– IMS LPP files can be saved directly to files with .txt extension in Modeler
– Improvements to the COM Automation interface for copying tables in Stability, Motions and Multiframe
– The problem which caused a crash when opening some .skr filed has been fixed in Motions
– Improved modeling of rounded (filleted) patch corners in Multiframe

Changes: All Applications
1140519: Microsoft Windows 11 support
Bug fixes and minor changes
1141137: Windows 8 is no longer supported

Changes: Multiframe
228272: Rounded corner patch openings
Openings with rounded (filleted) corners can now be added and edited on arbitrarily oriented patches.

Product: Multiframe Advanced
Version: CONNECT Edition V23 Update 5 (
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 836.8 mb





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