ESI Virtual-Performance Solution 2022.0 Solvers x64



ESI 的旗舰产品——ESI 虚拟性能解决方案 (Virtual Performance Solution, VPS) 仅仅一个工具,即可释放你的创造力和提高你的效率。

电子传动系统和自主驾驶已经对新车的组件和总体结构产生了影响。由于这些革命性的交通方式,需要 主机厂确保车辆具有同等水平的碰撞安全性、性能(续航里程、轻量化及舒适性)和成本效益。而且,他们现在无法承担对真车进行碰撞、测量和评估所花费的时间和资源,只能回到电脑前设计“改良的”原型样车。主机厂及其供应商必须找到一种方法来满足不断变化的要求——仿真具备这种能力。主机厂能够对各种情景进行虚拟测试,这一点对于确保使用全球化思维方式成功开发一款电动汽车至关重要。

有了 ESI VPS,即可对新款车型的新型复杂测试进行虚拟评估

  • 根据法规和预认证,对车辆结构和电池进行设计
  • 利用气囊系统保护自动驾驶车辆的乘员
  • 保证电动汽车对行人的安全性
  • 在包括水流管理和涉水驾驶在内的多种情景中测试驾驶性能
  • 智能轻量化汽车设计可以吸收振动和噪声,从而提高耐用性并降低内饰噪声
  • 对包括电池组在内的轻型汽车进行设计与验证(电池 VS 结构重量)

File Size: 549 MB

Virtual Performance Solution (VPS) is the leading solution from ESI, which is designed to solve a wide range of static and dynamic problems using the finite element method.

VPS includes a large number of different solvers
Crash Impact & Safty
Non-Linear Kinematics (MEDYSA)
High Velocity Impact (SHOCK)
NVH & Accoustics
Statics & Strength

A feature of the software is the presence of a single calculation model for all types of calculations, which involves the creation of one grid model and the use of various initial and boundary conditions to perform a particular calculation. The ESI Virtual Performance Solution (VPS) opens up a wide range of opportunities to innovate and improve the efficiency of the development process.

Benefits of Virtual Performance Solution (VPS)
– Significant reduction or elimination of costly real world tests
– The possibility of virtual testing for vehicles (hydraulic tasks, airbags, crash tests (including batteries), vibroacoustic tests, calculation of heating and air conditioning systems, etc.)
– High-performance computing and high-precision multi-scale simulation to reduce calculation time.
– The presence of a single calculation model, with which you can easily study many options for design solutions and choose the best

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