WinEdt 11.1 Build 20230519 x64




虽然说WinEdt是一种兼用型文本编辑器,它却被专门设计及配置以与TeX系统(如MiKTeX或TeX Live)无缝整合。WinEdt软件并不深度上包括与TeX相关的主题。但是LaTeX/TeX的介绍和手册,以及所连接到的其他推荐配件,都可以在TeX的公共站点下载到。


File size: 12 MB

WinEdt is a powerful and versatile text editor for Windows, with a strong predisposition towards the creation of[La]TeX documents. Do not, however, mistake WinEdt itself for a TeX system! You’ll have to download and install a (free) TeX system for Windows (MiKTeX, or TeX Live). The Downloads page of this site has more information on WinEdt, TeX, and links to other programs needed to make TeX operational on the Windows platform.

As an editor WinEdt allows you to exploit its intuitive (customizable) predefined interface and graphic controls. If you are not too keen on the mouse interface, don’t worry: WinEdt also offers the means to customize its keyboard interface, allowing you to use double keystroke shortcuts that can be associated with any menu item…

WinEdt is by default configured to run as a front end for MiKTeX. However, it is quite straightforward to configure the program for a different TeX System (eg. TeX Live), or even define a completely different set of accessories. By default, Options -> Configurations Menu already contains a few alternative configurations.

WinEdt’s Menu contains plenty of useful commands, and many are associated with Shortcuts. It is strongly recommended that you take your time and “walk” through the menu. If you don’t know what is there you won’t know how to use it. For example, it is easy to move a selected block of text left or right. It also easy to toggle Upper/ Lower Case, etc…


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