DS BIOVIA Materials Studio 2023 v23.1.0.3829 x64


Materials Studio多尺度分子模拟平台是BIOVIA公司(美国)在材料设计领域的核心产品。它融合多种模拟方法,整合多达23 个功能模块,实现从电子结构解析到宏观性能预测的全尺度科学研究。在国内拥有近400家用户,分布在石油、化工、环境、能源、制药、电子、食品、航空航天和汽车等工业领域和教育科研部门;相关的研究工作在Nature、Science等各类权威期刊上发表论文过万篇。

Materials Studio分子模拟软件采用了先进的模拟计算思想和方法,如量子力学(QM)、线性标度量子力学(Linear Scaling QM)、分子力学(MM)、分子动力学(MD)、蒙特卡洛(MC)、介观动力学(MesoDyn)和耗散粒子动力学(DPD)、统计方法QSAR(Quantitative Structure – Activity Relationship )等多种先进算法和X射线衍射分析等仪器分析方法;同时产品提供了界面友好的的模拟环境,研究者能方便地建立三维结构模型,并对各种小分子、纳米团簇、晶体、非晶体以及高分子材料的性质及相关过程进行深入的研究,得到切实可靠的数据。

x64 | File Size: 2.05 GB

BIOVIA Materials Studio is a complete modeling and simulation environment designed to allow researchers in materials science and chemistry to predict and understand the relationships of a material’s atomic and molecular structure with its properties and behavior. Using Materials Studio, researchers in many industries are engineering better performing materials of all types, including catalysts, polymers, composites, metals, alloys, pharmaceuticals, batteries and more.

Exploring Materials Properties
-Materials Studio offers an “in silico first” approach, allowing researchers to optimize their materials’ performance in a relatively low cost environment prior to physical testing.
-Accelerate the innovation process: Drive deeper understanding of the interactions that define material properties
-Reduce R&D Costs: Minimize the number of physical experiments via “Virtually Screening” candidates
-Improve R&D Efficiency: Automate and share best practices within Pipeline Pilot to reduce non-value added tasks
-Foster Data-Driven Decisions: Complement laboratory experimentation with powerful materials informatics

A Multiscale & Multiphysics Solution

Explore our functional areas below to learn how researchers are developing better catalysts, pharmaceuticals, polymers, composites, alloys, batteries and more.

-Battery Materials
-Catalyst Design
-Chemicals & Solvents
-Consumer Packaged Goods
-Materials Science Collection
-Metal Alloy Design
-Pharmaceutical Development
-Photovoltaics & Organic Electronics
-Polymer Composites
-Semiconductors & Sensors
-Visualization & Statistics

System Requirements
OS Windows:Microsoft Windows 11/10 Professional/Enterprise
OS Linux: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.9 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6
CPU:Intel Core i5 or equivalent
Display:1366×768 display resolution 24-bit


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