Easily Simulate Any GPS Location on Your iPhone/iPad without Jailbreak. With AnyGo you can do the following:• Spoof to anywhere in LBS(Location Based Service) games witho...
2022-03-12 0

MacClean360是 OS X 系统上的一款文件清理工具,该工具可以帮你查找出系统中没用的文件并进行清理,包括废纸篓里的文件、系统缓存、应用缓存等文件。 MacClean360 is all-in-one Mac ...
2022-03-12 0

MP3 Gain for mac is a simple tool designed specifically to adjust and normalize the volume of audio(mp3, wma, etc) files. It automatically normalize the volume of audio files an...
2022-03-12 0

My PaintBrush Pro is a professional paint-and-drawing application with multi-layers. Use the inspiring tools and more than 100 types brushes to create and save smooth images. ...
2022-03-12 0

CameraBag Photo是一款相当优秀的实用型照片滤镜工具,CameraBag Photo最新版功能全面,提供了超过200个可调滤镜供用户使用,软件支持96位模拟引擎,让您轻松进行曝光、色调、对比度的调整,...
2022-03-12 0

2022-03-12 0

OCRKit 是一款非常小巧的软件,直接拖拽,就能将pdf文档与图片转换为可检索的pdf文档。采用OCR (Optical Character Recognition光学字符识别)技术,对图像文件进行分析处理,获取文字及版面...
2022-03-12 0

一款功能强大的解压缩软件,支持几乎所有的压缩格式,比如RAR, ZIP, 7z, tbz, sti, tar, xar等等,用起来非常的方便。 Zip,rar,7z,tar files opener. RAR Extractor can extract comp...
2022-03-12 0

RAR for macOS is a 32-bit/64-bit Windows version of RAR Archiver. It can backup your data and reduce the size of email attachments, decompresses RAR, ZIP and other files downloa...
2022-03-12 0

一款优秀的屏幕录像软件。不但可以录制桌面操作还可以进行后期的剪辑工作,可以添加字幕, 增加视频效果与文字效果等功能,支持输出成 MOV,FLV 等格式。此软件获得WWDC 2008软件设计大奖。 ...
2022-03-12 0
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