Adobe Media Encoder 是一个非常优秀的视频音频编码器,能够将多种设备格式的音频或视频进行导出,提供了丰富的硬件设备编码格式设置以及专业设计的预设设置,方便用户导出与特定交付...
2022-04-28 0

DraftSight 2022 is a feature-rich 2D and 3D CAD solution for architects, engineers and construction service providers, as well as professional CAD users, designers, educat...
2022-04-28 0

AutoCAD LT 2022 is designed to develop and detail 2D drawings. The program automates most of the stages of the project. A full set of 2D commands allows you to create draw...
2022-04-28 0

Autodesk AutoCAD 2023 design and documentation software, of the world’s leading 2D and 3D CAD tools. It will allow you to design and shape the world around you using its p...
2022-04-28 0

Adobe Premiere Pro 一款常用的视频编辑软件,由Adobe公司推出。是一款编辑画面质量比较好的软件,有较好的兼容性,且可以与adobe公司推出的其他软件相互协作。目前这款软件广泛应用...
2022-04-28 0

The OpenBuildings development team is pleased to announce the availability of OpenRail Designer CONNECT Edition 2021 Release 2 Update 10 ( is a CONNECT imple...
2022-04-28 0

扩展的人体模型库(与Creo中内置的manikin_lite库相比)。 Extended (compared to the manikin_lite library built into Creo library of huma...
2022-04-28 0

OpenBuildings开发团队很高兴地宣布开放道路设计师2021版2 Update 10(的可用性,这是一个全面的、功能齐全的详细设计应用,用于测量、排水、公用事业和道路设计,取代了...
2022-04-28 0

NUKE是一个获得学院奖(Academy Award)的数码合成软件。已经经过10年的历练,为艺术家们提供了创造具有高质素的相片效果的图像的方法。NUKE无需专门的硬件平台,但却能为艺术家提供组...
2022-04-28 0

2022-04-28 0
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