一款功能强大且操作简单的软件,如果您想要快速找出重复文件,节省磁盘空间 Recover precious disk space on your Mac with Duplicate Finder and Remover App. It helps ...
2022-05-02 0

DVDFab可无损复制DVD电影、NTSC或PAL制式DVD,这款是DVDFab破解版,包含DVDFab官方安装文件和破解补丁,帮助你轻松制作完美品质的DVD电影备份! DVDFab is the most powerful...
2022-05-02 0

Real-time Walk-through. With Enscape’s real-time technology, your project is visualized as a fully-rendered 3D walk-through, which can be navigated and explored from every...
2022-05-02 0

DeskPack turns Adobe® Illustrator® into full-fledged packaging applications with a set of modules that fits any prepress environment. Deskpack is a collection of packaging...
2022-05-02 0

Use virtual reality to create better packaging, keep presentations, and quit caps. Test the visual impact of your latest design in the environment where it all happens: th...
2022-05-02 0

nfuse Pro 是一款强大的 Mac 视频播放器。它可以一口通吃您所有的视频文件 - Infuse 将把您从繁琐的视频转换中解放出来,用极美的方式在您的 Mac 上观赏几乎所有视频的格式。Infuse 已...
2022-05-02 0

MAGIX Photostory Deluxe是一款非常专业的多媒体幻灯片制作软件,也是一款电子相册制作软件,说它专业,是因为它有专业的功能和效果,像添加音乐、文字、滤镜效果、颜色调节、图像优化...
2022-05-02 0

Moho Pro,别名「Anime Studio」,Moho™Pro 是寻找更有效的替代传统动画的专业人士的完美选择,借助直观的界面和强大的功能,如Smart Bones™,Smart Warp,Bezier手柄,针对动画,逐帧...
2022-05-02 0

myTracks是一款优秀的应用程序,主要用途是记录GPS轨迹,实时统计用户在远足、骑车、跑步或其它户外活动中的时间、速度、距离和海拔。在记录GPS数据之后,用户还可以与朋友分 享,上传...
2022-05-02 0

ChemOffice is a scientifically intelligent, integrated suite of personal productivity tools that helps scientists to efficiently keep track of their work, gain a deeper un...
2022-05-02 0
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